Brian Bunce, AIA
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Friends, we hereby commence the celebration of life and career of “Bunce” as he rides off into the sunset of retirement! It was George Costanza who infamously bemoaned “Why couldn’t you make me an Architect?! I’ve always wanted to pretend to be an Architect!” Brian, you are our Art Vandelay.
For eons (almost literally) Brian Bunce has been a creative ringleader since starting his career at Little & Associates in 1986 and ultimately as a founding partner at BB+M Architecture in 2005. Champion of luminescent designs with the longevity of the pyramids, yet steeped with the charm of a beachside cabana. During this journey, he’s recorded an incredible mixtape of design excellence including Chronicle Mill, Radius Dilworth, Commonwealth, the AC Hotel at Epicentre, and 3Twenty3. Over Scotch recently he quipped, “It didn’t take very long either”.
But all good things come to an end, and we must say buh-bye to our friend Brian, the gentleman architect who’s made our buildings cooler than the other side of the pillow. He has traded in his dress loafers for sandals with socks to relocate to his Hilton Head Island abode which surely contains many leather-bound books.
So, as Retirement Bunce heads off to the Lowcountry to tackle his next great design project – his very own home – we raise our hard hats (and glass) to him. We will miss your humor, your kindness, your humility, and your ever-consistent devotion to great design. May your putts be short, your measurements be true, and your retirement as legendary as your sarcasm! Your legacy will be in good hands with the next generation of Vandelays.